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Robinson Polytunnels Limited Pasture Barn East, Pasture Lane, Barrowford, Lancashire, BB9 6QX, United Kingdom.

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Anti Hot Spot Repair Tape 50mm x 50m Roll

Anti Hot Spot Repair Tape 50mm x 50m Roll

Anti Hot Spot Repair Tape puts a new isolation barrier between the old foam tape and your new polythene sheet.

This has 2 advantages. Most importantly, if you have old PVC foam Anti Hot Spot Tape, it isolates the polythene from the harmful chloride foam so that you get the guaranteed life out of your new cover. The second advantage is that it makes the slipping of a new cover onto the tunnel very much easier.

Anti Hot Spot repair tape is 50mm wide and makes it easy therefore to cover over your old 19-25-or 30mm wide tape, the extra width sticking to the steel of the structure
